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MIT PDE/Analysis Seminar

Tue Apr 16, 2024 3:00–5:00 PM


Building 2, 2-105


This Seminar will be held in 2-105.3-4 pm - Speaker: Ahmed Bou-Rabee (Courant Institute)Title: Unique continuation for discrete elliptic equationsAbstract: I will prove that a discrete harmonic function which is bounded on a large density of the plane is constant. Based on joint work with William Cooperman and Shirshendu Ganguly.______4-5 pm - Speaker: Aleksandr Logunov (MIT)Title: Sign of Laplace eigenfunctionsAbstract: The functions sin(kx), cos(kx) are positive on half of the circle. This talk will concern a similar phenomenon of quasi-​symmetry for the sign of Laplace eigenfunctions on Riemannian manifolds. We will talk about the distribution of sign and the question of Nazarov, Polterovich and Sodin at which scale quasi-​symmetry holds and at which scale quasi-​symmetry breaks down. Based on a joint work in progress with Fedya Nazarov.
  • MIT PDE/Analysis Seminar
    This Seminar will be held in 2-105.3-4 pm - Speaker: Ahmed Bou-Rabee (Courant Institute)Title: Unique continuation for discrete elliptic equationsAbstract: I will prove that a discrete harmonic function which is bounded on a large density of the plane is constant. Based on joint work with William Cooperman and Shirshendu Ganguly.______4-5 pm - Speaker: Aleksandr Logunov (MIT)Title: Sign of Laplace eigenfunctionsAbstract: The functions sin(kx), cos(kx) are positive on half of the circle. This talk will concern a similar phenomenon of quasi-​symmetry for the sign of Laplace eigenfunctions on Riemannian manifolds. We will talk about the distribution of sign and the question of Nazarov, Polterovich and Sodin at which scale quasi-​symmetry holds and at which scale quasi-​symmetry breaks down. Based on a joint work in progress with Fedya Nazarov.