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Climate Writing Through Personal Narrative

Tue Apr 9, 2024 All day


Building 9, 255


In this event in our ongoing Planetary Health series, writer and MIT faculty member Kym Ragusa will help us to explore the power of personal narrative and creative writing for processing the global environmental changes that are reshaping our worlds. How can storytelling serve as a tool not only for communication, but also for community building and imagining other possibilities and futures? How can it help us grapple with our emotions around the climate crisis—not only grief and anxiety, but also complicity, ambiguity, anger, and hope? There will be a collective writing exercise along with discussion and sharing.Dinner will be provided; please register here.DUSP City Arena, 9-255
  • Climate Writing Through Personal Narrative
    In this event in our ongoing Planetary Health series, writer and MIT faculty member Kym Ragusa will help us to explore the power of personal narrative and creative writing for processing the global environmental changes that are reshaping our worlds. How can storytelling serve as a tool not only for communication, but also for community building and imagining other possibilities and futures? How can it help us grapple with our emotions around the climate crisis—not only grief and anxiety, but also complicity, ambiguity, anger, and hope? There will be a collective writing exercise along with discussion and sharing.Dinner will be provided; please register here.DUSP City Arena, 9-255