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- Mar 104:00 PMThe Welfare Impact of Market Power: The OPEC Cartel (with Jan De Loecker and Allan Collard-Wexler) - Joint with Harvard @ MITJohn Asker (UCLA)
- Mar 104:30 PMAlgebraic Topology SeminarSpeaker: Dev Sinha (University of Oregon)Title: From Milnor invariants to E-infinity cochain structuresAbstract: We share current work which goes back and forth between geometric and algebraic topology. We start with generalization of Milnor invariants of links, which works beyond where their indeterminacy limits them and extends to links any three-manifold. This generalization arises from analysis of the classical bar construction. (So we are making progress by connecting two pieces of mathematics developed in Fine Hall in the 1950’s.) These ideas also lead to new algorithms to produce all polynomial functions on presented groups. We then share recent work relating cup product to intersection product on geometric cochains through vector field flows. This leads to a conjectural new approach to E-infinity structure on cochains by “resolving partial-definedness” rather than resolving non-commutativity. What unites these projects is a goal of producing homotopy invariants through a combination of tools including geometric cochains, configuration spaces and bar constructions.
- Mar 104:30 PMThe Geography of Life: Evidence from Copenhagen (with Gabriel M. Ahlfeldt, Ismir Mulalic, and Caterina Soto-Vieira) - Joint with Harvard @ HarvardDaniel M. Sturm (LSE)
- Mar 105:30 PMWrestling PracticeThe MIT wrestling club holds practices in the du Pont Wrestling Room on weeknights 5:30-7pm. All levels of experience welcome! Whether you're looking to learn how to grapple or just want to get in a good workout, wrestling practice is a good time to learn technique, get in some live goes, and have fun with a great group of people.Current schedule is: structured practice MTRF, open mats W, and technique sessions 9-10:30am on Saturday. For more information, contact
- Mar 105:30 PMYoga for Every Body - Virtual ClassDo you think yoga is only for young, slender, super-flexible people? Think again!Yoga for Every Body with Catherine provides a gentle yoga experience in the Kripalu tradition. It offers a safe introduction for beginners of all ages, shapes, and sizes, as well as an opportunity for more experienced practitioners to share a gentle, mindful practice.Catherine hopes that this will give everyone an opportunity to turn down the “noise” of daily living and tune in to your own body, mind, and spirit.Registration is required on our wellness class website. If you do not already have an account on this website, you'll need to create one. This is fee-based class and open to the entire MIT community.
- Mar 106:45 PMArgentine Tango ClassesJoin us on Monday evenings for Argentine tango classes with outstanding instructors Fernanda Ghi, Guillermo Merlo and Mia Dalglish (read their bios on the link). Whether you are completely new to tango, or already have some experience, you will find a friendly environment in which to learn new things and improve your technique. You don't have to bring a partner, since the classes involve rotations with all participants.More info on website: