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- Feb 113:00 PMPDE/Analysis SeminarSpeakers: Alex Cohen (MIT)Title: Ruling out periodicity in quantum chaosAbstract: A central question in quantum chaos is to understand the behavior of high-frequency Laplace eigenfunctions on hyperbolic manifolds. Quantum cat maps are a model system that behave hyperbolic manifolds: the known tools apply equally well to both systems. However, for special parameter choices quantum cat maps exhibit a strange periodicity, resulting in concentration of eigenfunctions—behavior not expected for eigenfunctions on hyperbolic manifolds. We discuss new work distinguishing these two systems. The key ingredient is an uncertainty principle that distinguishes the Fourier transform from a modified Fourier transform with nonlinear phase function.Joint with Semyon Dyatlov.
- Feb 114:00 PMBehavioral Economics Seminar“The Market Effects of Algorithms” | Lindsey Raymond (Microsoft Research)
- Feb 114:00 PMBiology ColloquiumSpeaker: Joanna Wysocka, StanfordHost: Yadira Soto Feliciano & Eliezer CaloTitle: "Human development and evolution through the lens of gene regulation." The Mayer LectureThe Biology Colloquium is a weekly seminar held throughout the academic year — featuring distinguished speakers in many areas of the biological sciences from universities and institutions worldwide. More information on speakers, their affiliations, and titles of their talks will be added as available. Unless otherwise stated, the Colloquium will be held live in Stata 32-123 (Kirsch auditorium) Contact Margaret Cabral with questions.
- Feb 114:00 PMJazz Albums You Should Know: A vinyl listening sessionA vinyl listening session hosted by Grammy Award-Winner Miguel Zenón and Lewis Music Library Department Head Avery Boddie.This event will introduce listeners to leading pioneers and musicians of jazz as well as the most influential albums of the genre spanning the past 100 years. Listeners will learn the societal influences and historical contexts which influenced each album. Several key artists covering different time periods will be examined, as will their unique musical styles, creative practices, and lasting contributions to the genre.
- Feb 114:00 PMNumber Theory SeminarSpeaker: Samuel Mundy (Princeton University)Title: Vanishing of Selmer groups for Siegel modular formsAbstract:Let $\pi$ be a cuspidal automorphic representation of $Sp_{2n}$ over $\mathbb{Q}$ which is holomorphic discrete series at infinity, and $\chi$ a Dirichlet character. Then one can attach to $\pi$ an orthogonal $p$-adic Galois representation $ho$ of dimension $2n+1$. Assume $ho$ is irreducible, that $\pi$ is ordinary at $p$, and that $p$ does not divide the conductor of $\chi$. I will describe work in progress which aims to prove that the Bloch--Kato Selmer group attached to $ho\otimes\chi$ vanishes, under some mild ramification assumptions on $\pi$; this is what is predicted by the Bloch--Kato conjectures.The proof uses "ramified Eisenstein congruences" by constructing $p$-adic families of Siegel cusp forms degenerating to Klingen Eisenstein series of nonclassical weight, and using these families to construct ramified Galois cohomology classes for the Tate dual of $ho\otimes\chi$.
- Feb 114:00 PMPrice Rigidities in U.S. Business CyclesLuminita Stevens (Univ. of Maryland)