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- Mar 612:10 PMTunnel Walk sponsored by getfitWant to get exercise mid-day but don’t want to go outside? Join the tunnel walk for a 30-minute walk led by a volunteer through MIT’s famous tunnel system. This walk may include stairs/inclines. Wear comfortable shoes. Free.Location details: Meet in the lobby under the “Belonging + Community” banner. Location photo below.Tunnel Walk Leaders will have a white flag they will raise at the meeting spot for you to find them.Prize Drawing: Attend a walk and scan a QR code from the walk leaders to be entered into a drawing for a getfit tote bag at the end of the getfit challenge. The more walks you attend, the more entries you get. Winner will be drawn and notified at the end of April. Winner does not need to be a getfit participant.Disclaimer: Tunnel walks are led by volunteers. In the rare occasion when a volunteer isn’t able to make it, we will do our best to notify participants. In the event we are unable to notify participants and a walk leader does not show up, we encourage you to walk as much as you feel comfortable doing so. We recommend you check this calendar just before you head out! [As of Feb 26, this calendar is defaulting to the year 1899. Click "today" to be brought to the current month.]Getfit is a 12-week fitness challenge for the entire MIT community. These tunnel walks are open to the entire MIT community and you do not need to be a current getfit participant to join.
- Mar 61:00 PMMIT Free English ClassMIT Free English Class is for international students, sholars, spouses. Twenty seven years ago we created a community to welcome the nations to MIT and assist with language and friendship. Join our Tuesday/Thursday conversation classes around tables inside W11-190.
- Mar 62:00 PMThesis Defense: Bee SathitloetsakunHeiman lab I "Investigating the Roles of Scn4b in Huntington's Disease Pathogenesis"
- Mar 62:30 PMEnvironmental and Energy Economics Seminar - Sherrie WangTopic: Regression coefficient estimation from remote sensing maps.
- Mar 62:45 PMMIT@2:50 - Ten Minutes for Your MindTen minutes for your mind@2:50 every day at 2:50 pm in multiple time zones:Europa@2:50, EET, Athens, Helsinki (UTC+2) (7:50 am EST), EST, New York, Toronto (UTC-4), PST, Los Angeles, Vancouver (UTC=7) (5:50 pm EST) everything works better again if you unplug it for a bit, including your mind. Stop by and unplug. Get the benefits of mindfulness without the fuss.@2:50 meets at the same time every single day for ten minutes of quiet together.No pre-requisite, no registration needed.Visit the website to view all @2:50 time zones each or
- Mar 63:30 PMSymplectic SeminarSpeaker: Charles Doran (University of Alberta)Title: Fibration and Degeneration in Calabi-Yau GeometryAbstract: At String-Math 2015 in Sanya, I gave evidence for a new geometric duality that conjecturally connects mirror pairs of Calabi-Yau manifolds with extra structure: fibrations on one side and degenerations on the other. The “DHT mirror symmetry” conjecture unifies mirror constructions for the Calabi-Yau and Fano/Landau-Ginzburg cases. I will review the status of the DHT conjecture in several settings and describe proven implications in Hodge theory, geometry, and physics.