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- Mar 112:30 PMOrganizational Economics SeminarTBA | Jorge Tamayo (HBS)
- Mar 112:45 PMMIT@2:50 - Ten Minutes for Your MindTen minutes for your mind@2:50 every day at 2:50 pm in multiple time zones:Europa@2:50, EET, Athens, Helsinki (UTC+2) (7:50 am EST), EST, New York, Toronto (UTC-4), PST, Los Angeles, Vancouver (UTC=7) (5:50 pm EST) everything works better again if you unplug it for a bit, including your mind. Stop by and unplug. Get the benefits of mindfulness without the fuss.@2:50 meets at the same time every single day for ten minutes of quiet together.No pre-requisite, no registration needed.Visit the website to view all @2:50 time zones each or
- Mar 113:00 PMPDE/Analysis SeminarSpeakers: Zhongkai Tao (University of California, Berkeley)Title: How to solve an undetermined PDE system?Abstract: I will discuss a new method to solve underdetermined PDE systems. The motivation comes from the constraint equation in general relativity, the scalar curvature equation in geometry, and the divergence equation in fluid mechanics. If time permits, I will discuss applications to the flexibility of initial data sets in general relativity. This talk is based on the joint work with Philip Isett, Yuchen Mao, and Sung-Jin Oh.
- Mar 114:00 PM1. Efficient Imperfect Competition with an Application to International Trade/ 2. Markups: A Search-Theoretic PerspectiveGuido Menzio New York University
- Mar 114:00 PMBiology ColloquiumSpeaker: Ahmad (Mo) Khalil, Boston UniversityHost: Mike LaubTitle: "Cooperation in native and synthetic biology" The Holt LectureThe Biology Colloquium is a weekly seminar held throughout the academic year — featuring distinguished speakers in many areas of the biological sciences from universities and institutions worldwide. More information on speakers, their affiliations, and titles of their talks will be added as available. Unless otherwise stated, the Colloquium will be held live in Stata 32-123 (Kirsch auditorium) Contact Margaret Cabral with questions.
- Mar 114:00 PMMaking the First Move: How to Connect with FacultyFaculty are people too! This workshop will teach you how to build lasting connections and tap into the support and opportunities faculty have to offer