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- Mar 55:15 PMMITEI Presents: Advancing the Energy Transition with Emily KnightBlueprint for Tough Tech entrepreneurshipThis event is for the MIT Community. Please register with an email.Please join us as Emily Knight, President and CEO of The Engine, presents our first MITEI Presents: Advancing the Energy Transition seminar of the spring 2025 semester.The transition to a clean energy future depends on breakthrough technologies—but these solutions often require long development timelines, specialized infrastructure, and patient capital. At MIT and beyond, Tough Tech startups working at the intersection of science, engineering, and impact face significant barriers to scaling. Emily Knight, the president and CEO of The Engine (built by MIT) will discuss how The Engine provides the critical resources these early-stage teams need—from lab and fabrication space to deep networks—to advance innovations in industries like clean energy, industrial decarbonization, and sustainability. Join us to explore what it takes to bring these climate solutions to scale and drive real impact.Light refreshments will follow.
- Mar 55:15 PMThe Table - Lutheran Episcopal MinistryEvery Wednesday night you are invited to come to The Table for peaceful Christian worship in the Chapel at 5:15 pm and dinner in the Main Dining Room of W11 at 6:30 pm.We worship with beautiful songs, open conversation about the Scriptures, prayers and a simple sharing of communion around the altar. Then we enjoy dinner together and good company together. Whether you come every week or just drop by once in a while, there is a caring community for you at the Table.You are truly welcome to come as you are: undergrad, grad, or post-doc; sure of your faith or wondering what it is all about; gay, straight, bi, trans*, questioning. Please join us for no-pressure worship and fellowship.Hosted by the Lutheran Epsicopal Ministry @ MIT. For more information, or to verify gathering times during holiday and vacation periods, please contact chaplains Andrew Heisen ( and Kevin Vetiac (
- Mar 55:30 PMActive Gentle Yoga - Virtual ClassMany people think gentle yoga is too easy and not an effective form of fitness. Think again! You can practice yoga in ways that are both active and gentle at the same time.Come enjoy the many known benefits of yoga through:the practice of active yet gentle, rhythmic movementheld yoga poses and vinyasa flow (moving from pose to pose via the breath)pranayam (breath work)relaxation and meditationIn this well-rounded class, Celeste LeMieux, 500 hr certified Kripalu Yoga Instructor, provides clear instructions and modifications, making it accessible and beneficial to practitioners of all ages and stages of yoga practice and life.You will leave class feeling both stretched and strengthened while also feeling more calm and relaxed. This class is the perfect mid-week reset for body and mind. Come see how less really can be more!Registration is required on our wellness class website. If you do not already have an account on this website, you'll need to create one. This is fee-based class and open to the entire MIT community.
- Mar 55:30 PMGraduate Student Talk: Jonathan ZongJoin Jonathan Zong, a postdoctoral associate at MIT CSAIL for a conversation around List Projects 31: Kite.How do people say "no" when they are not given permission to say no? Feminist and Indigenous scholars and activists have developed the concept of refusal as something that people with the least power in society can take up to challenge authority and open up new possibilities. In this talk, Zong will discuss his research on data refusal as design: how people work to re-shape systems of large-scale data collection. Zong will draw connections between this work and Kite's artistic and scholarly engagement with Lakota ontologies and Indigenous AI.This will be a hybrid event with a live video that can be streamed here at 5:30 PM.About the SpeakerJonathan Zong is a Postdoctoral Associate at MIT CSAIL and Fellow at Harvard's Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society, and will be Assistant Professor in Information Science at University of Colorado Boulder in 2025. In his research, Jonathan partners with blind collaborators and study participants to co-design interfaces for non-visual data exploration. He also develops software and conceptual frameworks for managing the ethics of consent in large-scale social media data collection. Jonathan's work has been recognized by the MIT Morningside Academy for Design Fellowship, the Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans, and Forbes 30 Under 30 Scientists.Graduate Student TalksMIT graduate students explore current exhibitions at the List Center through the lens of their own research, background, and interests. Join us for this interdisciplinary lecture series where we dive into how art and research are overlapping on MIT’s campus.
- Mar 55:30 PMRefuge @ MIT: weekly worship, prayer & Bible Study.Refuge @ MIT. Join our weekly gathering for Christian students and seekers as we have worship, prayer and Bible study each Wednesday evening. We share some food and enjoy an in depth Bible study, open to all students at MIT.
- Mar 55:30 PMWrestling PracticeThe MIT wrestling club holds practices in the du Pont Wrestling Room on weeknights 5:30-7pm. All levels of experience welcome! Whether you're looking to learn how to grapple or just want to get in a good workout, wrestling practice is a good time to learn technique, get in some live goes, and have fun with a great group of people.Current schedule is: structured practice MTRF, open mats W, and technique sessions 9-10:30am on Saturday. For more information, contact