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- Mar 75:00 PMSkandaprasad RaoPresented by the Emerson/Harris Program for Private Study Solo Recital SeriesProgramTBDLivestream: the PerformersBIOAbout the Emerson/Harris Program for Private StudySupport for private musical study is available for students through the Emerson/Harris Program (E/HP), which offers merit-based financial awards for outstanding achievement on instruments or voice in classical, jazz, or world music. Each academic year, the program awards Scholarships and Fellowships to nearly seventy students who commit to a full year’s study and participate in the musical life of MIT.Auditions for the program are held at the beginning of each academic year. Private teacher selections, made in consultation with the E/HP jury heads, may include instructors from MIT staff and throughout Greater Boston. The Emerson/Harris Program is funded by the late Mr. Cherry L. Emerson, Jr. (SM, 1941), in response to an appeal from AssociateProvost Ellen T. Harris (Class of 1949 Professor Emeritus of Music). The Emerson/Harris Masterclass Series is supported, in part, by the Robert L. Malster (1956) Fund.This project is presented as part of Artfinity, an Institute-sponsored event celebrating creativity and community at MIT. Artfinity is organized by the Office of the Arts.
- Mar 75:00 PMWomen's Lacrosse vs. Westfield State UniversityTime: 12:00 PMLocation: Cambridge, MA
- Mar 75:00 PMWomen's Tennis vs. Trinity University (Texas)Time: 4:00 PM ET (3:00 PM CT)Location: San Antonio, TX
- Mar 75:30 PMFeminist Security Studies: Collectively Building Theory and Practices about Security in the Americas“Feminist Security Studies in the Americas: Pushing the Fronteras,” edited by Priscyll Anctil convenes voices from across the Americas, creating space for decolonial, anti-racist, and class-based perspectives within feminist security discussions. This led to the formation of the Feminicides and Feminist Security Studies reading group. The reading group’s critical discussions evolved into essays by activists, government workers, and academics featured in the second book, “Feminist Security Studies from Latin America and the Caribbean”, edited by Alessandra Jungs de Almeida. Together, these books represent a collective transnational feminist effort to address security issues from perspectives often marginalized in traditional security studies. Please join us in this panel, where the authors and editors, Priscyll Anctil, Alessandra Jungs de Almeida, and J.C.D. Calderónm, will discuss the two volumes and explore the main theoretical, epistemological, and methodological contributions, including how they contest andro-anglo-centered knowledge production and expand the concept of feminist security.Food will be providedPlease RSVP in advance~
- Mar 75:30 PMRoll + Recover - Virtual ClassExperience the immediate benefits of myofascial release with this simple and effective self-care practice. Learn specialized ball rolling techniques that help penetrate through layers of skin, fascia and muscle and massage into your high-tension areas.Each class includes guided exercises using the Roll Model therapy balls, breath work and stretching techniques specifically designed to ease overburdened muscles and encourage deep mind-body relaxation. Explore various muscle groups and needy body areas each week to eliminate strain and discomfort from sitting too long, working on screens and living with stress.You will find greater self-awareness, freedom and ease in your body. Put the power of self-massage into your own hands.All levels welcome! This is a movement class and workout attire is strongly encouraged.Registration is required on our wellness class website. If you do not already have an account on this website, you'll need to create one. This is a fee-based class and open to the entire MIT community.
- Mar 75:30 PMWrestling PracticeThe MIT wrestling club holds practices in the du Pont Wrestling Room on weeknights 5:30-7pm. All levels of experience welcome! Whether you're looking to learn how to grapple or just want to get in a good workout, wrestling practice is a good time to learn technique, get in some live goes, and have fun with a great group of people.Current schedule is: structured practice MTRF, open mats W, and technique sessions 9-10:30am on Saturday. For more information, contact