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Tuesday, February 4, 2025
- All dayGrade deadline. Grades for IAP must be submitted...
- All dayGraduate registration opens for third quarter...
- 10:30 AM1h 30mFirst Time and Expecting ParentsMeet other expecting and first time parents of infants under one year to connect, share information, and support each other. Bring your concerns, questions, and experiences to the group. And of course, your babies are welcome! This peer led group is organized by MS&PC members Kathrin and Maria.Contact Kathrin or Maria for more information.
- 12:00 PM1hSciences Po Study Abroad Info SessionThinking about study abroad? Are you interested in an exchange with Sciences Po in Paris? Sciences Po is ranked #2 in the world for political science and international relations. The Academic Exchange is open to all students, and credits will transfer to MIT after your experience!RSVP here: information can be found on the Sciences Po Exchange page! Contact
- 12:10 PM30mTunnel Walk sponsored by getfitWant to get exercise mid-day but don’t want to go outside? Join the tunnel walk for a 30-minute walk led by a volunteer through MIT’s famous tunnel system. This walk may include stairs/inclines. Wear comfortable shoes. Free.Location details: Meet in the atrium by the staircase. Location photo below.Tunnel Walk Leaders will have a white flag they will raise at the meeting spot for you to find them.Prize Drawing: Attend a walk and scan a QR code from the walk leaders to be entered into a drawing for a getfit tote bag at the end of the getfit challenge. The more walks you attend, the more entries you get. Winner will be drawn and notified at the end of April. Winner does not need to be a getfit participant.Disclaimer: Tunnel walks are led by volunteers. In the rare occasion when a volunteer isn’t able to make it, we will do our best to notify participants. In the event we are unable to notify participants and a walk leader does not show up, we encourage you to walk as much as you feel comfortable doing so. We recommend checking this calendar just before you head out.Getfit is a 12-week fitness challenge for the entire MIT community. These tunnel walks are open to the entire MIT community and you do not need to be a current getfit participant to join.
- 1:00 PM1h 30mMIT Free English ClassMIT Free English Class is for international students, sholars, spouses. Twenty seven years ago we created a community to welcome the nations to MIT and assist with language and friendship. Join our Tuesday/Thursday conversation classes around tables inside W11-190.
- 2:00 PM30mMeditationJoin us for a rejuvenating 30-minute meditation session led by an experienced Buddhist monk.This weekly session is open to the MIT community and offers a peaceful break to manage stress, ease frustration, and enhance focus. By practicing mindfulness meditation, you'll not only boost your compassion, energy, and productivity but also connect with like-minded peers who share a passion for mental wellness. Sessions feature light meditation guidance and time for silent practice.Whether you're new to meditation or an experienced practitioner, this session provides a supportive space to cultivate inner peace and resilience. Don't miss this opportunity to recharge and foster a mindful community.
- 2:00 PM1hIRL with ORSELThe Chaplains invite you to take a brief pause for refreshments and conversation as you cross campus this month. Find us in the Stata Street on Tuesday afternoons. Look for the rocking chairs!
- 2:45 PM15mMIT@2:50 - Ten Minutes for Your MindTen minutes for your mind@2:50 every day at 2:50 pm in multiple time zones:Europa@2:50, EET, Athens, Helsinki (UTC+2) (7:50 am EST), EST, New York, Toronto (UTC-4), PST, Los Angeles, Vancouver (UTC=7) (5:50 pm EST) everything works better again if you unplug it for a bit, including your mind. Stop by and unplug. Get the benefits of mindfulness without the fuss.@2:50 meets at the same time every single day for ten minutes of quiet together.No pre-requisite, no registration needed.Visit the website to view all @2:50 time zones each or
- 3:00 PM1hHarvard–MIT Algebraic Geometry SeminarSpeaker: Yoon-Joo Kim (Columbia University)Title: The Néron model of a Lagrangian fibrationAbstract:Singular fibers in minimal elliptic fibrations were classified by Kodaira and Néron in the 1960s. In his proof, Néron constructed and systematically used a special group scheme acting on an elliptic fibration. This group scheme is now called the Néron model. A Lagrangian fibration is a higher-dimensional generalization of an elliptic fibration. Néron’s theory is restricted to 1-dimensional bases, so one cannot use Néron’s original approach to study higher-dimensional Lagrangian fibrations. The higher-dimensional analog of Néron’s definition was recently proposed by David Holmes. Quite unfortunately, Holmes also showed that such a generalized Néron model often fails to exist, even in simple cases. In this talk, we show that Holmes’s generalized Néron model does exist for an arbitrary projective Lagrangian fibration of a smooth symplectic variety, under a single assumption that the Lagrangian fibration has no fully-nonreduced fibers. This generalizes Néron’s result to many higher-dimensional Lagrangian fibrations. Such a construction has several applications. First, it extends Ngô's results on Hitchin fibrations to many Lagrangian fibrations. Second, it allows Lagrangian fibrations to be considered as a minimal model-compactification of a smooth commutative group scheme-torsor. Third, it provides a tool to study birational behaviors of Lagrangian fibrations. Finally, the notion of a Tate-Shafarevich twist can be understood via the Néron model.
- 3:00 PM1hMIT PDE/Analysis SeminarSpeakers: Jared Speck (Vanderbilt University)Title: The Einstein-Euler Free Boundary Problem in Spherical SymmetryAbstract: I will discuss my forthcoming paper with M. Disconzi on spherically symmetric solutions to the Einstein–Euler equations. The main result is local well-posedness for a class of initial data satisfying the physical vacuum condition. Our work provides the first rigorous existence result for a model of a dynamic, self-gravitating relativistic gaseous star with compact spatial support.
- 3:30 PM1h 30mHacking Politics in Modern America, 1968-1998From the 1960s through the mid-1980s, phone phreaks and computer hackers authored piercing critiques of U.S. political economy, especially the telephone lines and computer networks that served as its central nervous system. But as hackers interacted with the companies, regulators, and professionals who governed the system, hackers integrated themselves into the system as experts, professionals, and reformers—and by the 1990s, the system welcomed their arrival.Presented by:JACOB BRUGGEMANPh.D. candidate, Department of History, Johns Hopkins University
- 4:00 PM1hBiology ColloquiumSpeaker: Duojia Pan, UT Southwestern Medical CenterHost: The Postdoctoral AssociationTitle: "Solid-like condensates of tumor suppressor protein Merlin/NF2 in Hippo pathway regulation"The Biology Colloquium is a weekly seminar held throughout the academic year — featuring distinguished speakers in many areas of the biological sciences from universities and institutions worldwide. More information on speakers, their affiliations, and titles of their talks will be added as available. Unless otherwise stated, the Colloquium will be held live in Stata 32-123 (Kirsch auditorium) Contact Margaret Cabral with questions.
- 4:00 PM1hSERC Envisioning the Future of Computing Prize IAP Workshop SessionMIT Schwarzman College of Computing SERC group leaders will be hosting a series of workshops throughout the January Independent Activities Period to teach students the skill of writing a technology impact paper and to offer help and advice on creating such a paper for those interested in applying for the Envisioning the Future of Computing Prize.These workshops will provide general information on the competition, guidelines on how to write this kind of paper, and opportunities to discuss project ideas. Workshop slots are limited and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Sign up for a session here.
- 4:00 PM1h 30mNumber Theory SeminarSpeaker: Sean Howe (University of Utah)Title: Sideways equidistribution of function field L-functionsAbstract:In the first part of this talk, we will explain a concise description of the asymptotic distributions of eigenvalues of Haar-random orthogonal matrices using a new $\sigma$-moment generating function that replaces the usual exponential with the plethystic exponential of symmetric function theory. Similar descriptions can be obtained also for compact symplectic, unitary, and symmetric groups.In the second part of the talk, we will explain how to use point-counting techniques to compute, for a fixed finite field $\mathbb{F}_q$, the distribution of the zeroes of the $L$-function of a random smooth degree $d$ surface in $\mathbb{P}^3_{\mathbb{F}_q}$ as $d ightarrow \infty$. The result is a simple description of the asymptotic $\sigma$-moment generating function. Comparing this with our description of the asymptotic distribution of the eigenvalues of a Haar-random orthogonal matrix, we obtain an equidistribution result that is "sideways" compared to the equidistribution results obtained by Katz and Sarnak, i.e. where the order of the limits in $d$ and $q$ have been exchanged. This sideways equidistribution is finer in that it sees the stable cohomology of local systems in all degrees instead of just the zeroth degree needed to compute monodromy.The techniques used are robust and apply also to the L-functions of more general smooth hypersurface sections, as well as some simple Dirichlet characters that were previously studied by Bergström-Diaconu-Petersen-Westerland. Time permitting, we will briefly discuss further generalizations and related work in progress joint with Bertucci / Bilu / Bilu and Das.
- 4:30 PM1h 30mBook Talk: Climate Justice and the UniversityThis talk will be a radical exploration of how higher education can advance transformative climate justice.Amid the worsening climate crisis and intensifying inequities, higher education can play a powerful role in addressing the intersecting crises facing humanity. Institutions of higher education hold untapped potential to advance social justice and reduce climate injustices. However, universities are not yet structured to accelerate social change for the public good.In Climate Justice and the University, Jennie Stephens, Professor of Climate Justice at the National University of Ireland Maynooth and a professor at Northeastern University (currently on leave), reimagines the potential of higher education to advance human well-being and promote ecological health. She will be introduced by John E. Fernández, director of the MIT Environmental Solutions Initiaitve, and converse with Naomi Oreskes, the Henry Charles Lea Professor of the History of Science and Affiliated Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Harvard University.Books will be available for sale!Register here:
- 5:00 PM30mFlash Job/Internship Search OverviewAre you uncertain about how to find an amazing opportunity—whether it is for research, an internship, or a full-time position? This 30-minute workshop will help you learn ways to structure and execute your job search in both an active and passive way. After this session, you'll feel more confident about navigating the uncertainty of a job search!The CAPD Career Advisor will be available before and after this event to answer questions.
- 5:30 PM1hMind-Body-Breath Yoga - Virtual ClassThis yoga practice provides the opportunity to relax and de-stress as well as to stretch, strengthen, and balance your body. The practice begins with a meditative centering followed by warm-ups, a posture flow, and a restful final relaxation. We conclude with a closing and some time for connecting with your fellow yogis.The yoga postures are led at a moderate intensity. Lower intensity modifications are always offered and there is absolutely no obligation to do any posture. The goal is to make the class accessible to beginners as well as experienced practitioners. Listening to your body is the key to safety, especially in this online format.Registration is required on our wellness class website. If you do not already have an account on this website, you'll need to create one. This is fee-based class and open to the entire MIT community.
- 5:30 PM1h 30mWrestling PracticeThe MIT wrestling club holds practices in the du Pont Wrestling Room on weeknights 5:30-7pm. All levels of experience welcome! Whether you're looking to learn how to grapple or just want to get in a good workout, wrestling practice is a good time to learn technique, get in some live goes, and have fun with a great group of people.Current schedule is: structured practice MTRF, open mats W, and technique sessions 9-10:30am on Saturday. For more information, contact